Saturday, November 07, 2020

connie wanek | for a change


Earth had become a job that required 
constant customer support. 
Humans didn’t seem to understand 
the basics of their service. 
Mrs. God suggested a standard message 
when people first connected: 
The Kingdom of God is within you. 
“Honestly I think it gives them 
a sense of agency,” she said. 

 But God thought the problem stemmed 
from a confusing owners’ manual. 
“Some of these translations are inscrutable,” 
he said, paging through the dense instructions. 
“What about a series of drawings, 
where steps would be illustrated with a 
puzzled little angel, sort of like IKEA? 
And of course an extensive 
FAQ on the website.” 

“It’s worth a try,” said Mrs. God. “The most 
important thing is that people know
they’re getting accurate information.”
 “For a change,” said God.